Friday, September 19, 2008

Addison Marshall's First Day of School

Here are a few pics from Marshall's first day of pre-school. He was very excited and looked like such a big boy in his school clothes and backpack! Sorry the inside pictures didn't turn out very well (we must not have had enough lights turned on ??).

School is going well. Marshall really likes his teacher, Mrs LeighAnn, and fortunately there are a couple of kiddos, Annie and Sam, in his class that he already knows from going to the Mother's Morning Out program at the Methodist church last year.
Baby brother had a little harder time adjusting...he would point at Marshall's picture in the hallway and say "Ba Ba" or "Mar Mar" periodically throughout the mornings during the first school week. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is so sweet about your little one missing Marshall!